Sundays 10:00 am until 12 Wednesday Prayer 10:00am until Come and see!

It takes courage to walk into a new church and we’re so glad you are thinking about walking into ours! To make it less stressful, here are some things to know about us:
We are very casual – jeans, skirts, shorts, slacks, whatever you are comfortable in. If Banks has a suit on, everyone wants to know whose wedding or funeral he is doing that day!
We meet in the Community Room of a fire station on Sunday mornings for worship and Wednesday mornings for prayer. We are small in number but don’t let that fool you. We have most definitely and consistently experienced, "For where two or three gather in My name, there I am with them."
We meet Sundays from 10 until 10:30 am for coffee and homemade goodies. This 30 minutes is always a time where we keep up with each other, build relationships and welcome in people like you who desire to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
From 10:30 until 12, we worship, dig into scripture and wrestle with how we are supposed to bring the Kingdom to bear in our families, community, state and nation. Banks preaches from the Word and has a gift for applying it to real life. Just so you know – he will most likely talk about things that we need to hear, not necessarily what we want to hear.
We keep up with what is going on culturally, socially and politically. God calls His people to go into the world to transform it. We want to know what we are dealing with!
On Wednesdays, we meet in the same Community Room from 10 am until noon for a focused time of prayer. We pray for each other, for those that come needing prayer, the nation, our leaders and world circumstances.
Basically, AllPoints is where:
· God works on our “stuff”, so we can be whole.
· Our authenticity with God and each other grows.
· Churchy habits that distract or hinder are unlearned, but never for the sake of being new, trendy, cutting edge, or “cool” and never sacrificing the eternal truths about life with God.
· Grief is shared as well as the victories.
· People are empowered to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ.
· We are learning how to walk with Jesus without limits.
AllPoints lets us experience relationship in a way that is refreshing and unmistakable,
Maybe, just maybe, this is the place you too, will call home. Come and see!
Welcome to AllPoints!
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